Patreon is a place where you can support the creators and small businesses that you love for a small donation a month, and in exchange we send you cool stuff and let you see behind the scenes.
Supporting GreyHawk helps us in so many ways; not least of which are making it easier for us to develop The Chronicles of Erinoth, helping us keep prices down, and keeping releases regular.
You can support us from as a little as a single dollar a month, but if you’re able to give a little more you’ll receive rewards ranging from free and exclusive miniatures, early releases, discount codes, beta testing for the rules, and much more.
Regardless of your donation, every patron gets to see behind the scenes, chat to the team, and see advanced previews of what we’re working on.
By joining us on Patreon you’ll become like part of the team, helping us grow and getting your say on what we do!
To find out more follow the link to our Patreon page, or check out the FAQ at the bottom of the page.